Mark's Stuff

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Heirarchical table functions

Sample code for a function to exploding heirachical where parent key is defined in table itself (i.e. one-to-many heirarchy, item has one and only one parent.

-- Create Function for exploding heirarchical table
-- where parentid is defined in table itself
-- i.e. one-to-many heirarchy,
-- item has one and only one parent

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExplodeList(@id int)
  RETURNS @List_TABLE TABLE (Lvl int, CatID int, ParentID int, [Description] VARCHAR(50))
  DECLARE @lvl int

  INSERT INTO @List_Table
    SELECT 0, CatID, ParentID, [Description]
      FROM dbo.Table_1
      WHERE CatID = @id
  SET @lvl = 0

    SET @lvl = @lvl + 1
    INSERT INTO @List_Table
        @lvl, t1.CatID, t1.ParentID, t1.[Description]
        dbo.Table_1 t1 INNER JOIN dbo.Table_1 t2
        ON t2.catID=t1.parentID
        t2.CatID IN
          ( SELECT CatID FROM @List_Table WHERE lvl=@lvl-1 )



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